Thursday, July 21, 2011

clean slate

you know, that whole "actually-blogging-regularly" thing that i said i was going to do?  score one for me...  or not.

so this time i'm not going to make a big production out of "i'm back and i'm gonna stick with it" because it seems like every time i do that, i post once or twice and then fall off the face of the planet for several months (5, this time, but who's counting?) only to come back and lather-rinse-repeat.  

i will say that this time i have a little bit of motivation to stick with the whole blogging thing...  it all started with a facebook message from my dear friend alexis, simply to share the link to her blog with several of her girlfriends.  someone tossed out the idea that we should all start blogs and post the links on the thread, and behold!  a blog-club (i guess) was born!  i'm hoping that reading the blogs of all these lovely ladies (like chelsie, holly, and kristin) will encourage me to keep up with my own blog a little better. 

i'm also going to attempt to take this blog in a bit of a different direction.  it seems like i got a little overly focused on clothes and diets and tattoos, and while all of those things are important, it's really not what i want my blog to be about.  at least, those aren't the ONLY things i want my blog to be about.  so, in honor of turning over a new blog leaf, so to speak, i'm clearing out all my old posts and starting fresh.  :-)

so there you have it...  i've got a lot of news to share, but if i post it all today, i won't have anything left for later.  guess you'll have to stick around if you want to hear what i've been up to!


  1. Soooo I was reading your "who am i?" page and laughed out loud when I read your "i don't like" section. That could very well have been a list that I wrote, right down to the cucumber thing. People think I'm crazy, but those things do NOT taste good. So, friends? Deal.

  2. Never in a million years did I think this was going to be the result of that thread - but the joy in my heart is threatening to ooze out my ears at this point. I am so excited for all of you amazing women that I know and love - to get to know each other.

  3. k.rahn - cucumbers are nasty. and definitely friends!

    lex - i think you may need to go to the doctor if you have something oozing out your ears. even joy. ears shouldn't ooze. :-)
